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Why is my page not displaying correctly?

You may be using a web browser that is not supported by this website. Currently supported browsers include Internet Explorer 8, 9, 10, or 11, Mozilla Firefox versions 9 and higher, Google Chrome 25 or higher, and Apple Safari 5.1.7. You can download the latest version of Internet Explorer by clicking here.

In order to access your 401(k) plan information, your browser must be java-enabled.
If you have Internet Explorer:

  1. Click Tools in the Internet Explorer menu.
  2. Click Internet Options.
  3. Click the Advanced tab.
  4. Scroll down until you see the section titled Microsoft VM.
  5. Make sure JIT compiler for virtual machine enabled (requires restart) is checked.

If you are using Internet Explorer 8.0 or above, then you may have Compatibility View turned on for this website. Compatibility View makes your web browser act like Internet Explorer 7.0. Please remove this website from Compatibility view under the Tools menu. If you do not see the site listed as intended to run in Compatibility View then you will need to make sure that "Display intranet sites in Compatibility View" or "Display all websites in Compatibility View" options are not selected and restart your browser session.

To disable Compatibility View, go to Tools > Compatibility View Settings.

Tools > Compatibility View

If anico.com is listed in the second box, select it and click the Remove button, then Close.

Compatibility View Settings

The screen will refresh and the logon menu will then be displayed.

Why does the page not refresh or reload?

This web site is not cached for security reasons. This may cause your browser not to refresh or reload the page. You will most likely be taken back to the login screen if you attempt to refresh or reload a page after you have logged in.

Why do I get a message that says "This session is no longer active. Please login again"?

For security reasons, your session will timeout and force you to login again if you do not go to a new page within the session timeout limit of 20 minutes.

Why does the Back button behave unexpectedly?

This web site is not cached for security reasons. This may cause unexpected results when using the browser's Back button. For most reliable navigation of the web site, use the links on the left side of the screen instead of using the Back button.

What should I do if my PIN is blocked and I cannot login?

Please e-mail the following information to Pension Assist:

  1. The Last 4 Digits of Your Social Security Number
  2. Your Full Name
  3. Your Employer
  4. Your E-mail Address

Return to the top.

To return to the American National Insurance Company 401(k) Plan Access System, please click here.