Why does the secure lock sign disappear while using Internet Explorer 4.01?
Why does the page not refresh or reload?
Why do I get a message that says "This session is no longer active. Please login again"?
Why do I experience problems when trying to resize the page while using Netscape?
Why does the Back button behave unexpectedly?
What should I do if my PIN is blocked and I cannot login?

Why does the secure lock sign disappear when using Internet Explorer 4.01?

This is a browser problem with Internet Explorer 4.01. You need to download and install the latest version of Internet Explorer or download and install Service Pack 2 for Internet Explorer 4.01.

You can download the latest version of Internet Explorer by clicking here.

If you choose to download the Service Pack, you may want to print out these instructions before clicking here to go to the Microsoft web site.

  1. Once on the Microsoft web site, select PRODUCT UPDATES.
  2. You will be asked to install Microsoft Active Setup; click Yes.
  3. You will get a message telling you that you are running a version of Internet Explorer that is no longer supported by Microsoft; click OK.
  4. On the Select Software page, uncheck Critical Updates Package.
  5. Scroll down and check Internet Explorer 4.01 Service Pack 2.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Click Download.
  8. Verify that you have selected only Internet Explorer 4.01 Service Pack 2.
  9. Click Start Download.

Why does the page not refresh or reload?

This web site is not cached for security reasons. This may cause your browser not to refresh or reload the page. You will most likely be taken back to the login screen if you attempt to refresh or reload a page after you have logged in.

Why do I get a message that says "This session is no longer active. Please login again"?

For security reasons, your session will timeout and force you to login again if you do not go to a new page within the session timeout limit of 15 minutes.

Why do I experience problems when trying to resize the page while using Netscape?

This web site is not cached for security reasons. This may cause Netscape to not resize the browser window properly. This site works best with Internet Explorer. If you would like to download the latest version of Internet Explorer from Microsoft, please click here.

Why does the Back button behave unexpectedly?

This web site is not cached for security reasons. This may cause unexpected results when using the browser's Back button. For most reliable navigation of the web site, use the links on the left side of the screen instead of using the Back button.

What should I do if my PIN is blocked and I cannot login?

Please e-mail the following information:

  1. Your Social Security Number
  2. Your Full Name
  3. Your Employer
  4. Your E-mail Address
to 401k@anico.com

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